Services Connected to Transport

Freight Insurance
The company is able to offer insurance rates to cover travelling goods that are competitive and updated according to the socio-political variations of the various countries where the goods are destined.
The rates are negotiated on an annual basis with leading shipping companies.

Sworn Translation Services
If necessary, the company can offer sworn court translations in various languages (English, German, Chinese, etc.) by qualified in-house staff.

Extra Operational Customs Support Services
The company can offer dedicated services for customers to receive customs clearance, AEO certification and VAT warehousing.

ITS ha stabilito un network mondiale sui centri di competenza dei noli marittimi per i prodotti riciclabili.
I nostri esperti offrono soluzioni di trasporto competitivo per qualsiasi merce riciclabile e recuperabile come per esempio carta da macero, scarti industriali di materie plastiche, materiale grezzo e legname.
I nostri clienti posso anche fare affidamento sui seguenti servizi correlati:
- Traduzioni giurate
- Competenze
- Consulenze per ottenimento certificazioni