
The term ‘Authorised Economic Operator’ refers to an economic operator established in the territory of the European Union (and equipped with an Eori code) that has obtained, following an audit by customs, an AEO authorisation valid throughout the Community customs territory. This authorisation confers on the operator a ‘licence’ of reliability and solvency to which a series of advantages are linked in relation to the type of AEO authorisation requested

See certification

The legality rating is a synthetic indicator of compliance with high standards of legality by companies that have applied for it.
This recognition takes the form of a score of between a minimum of one and a maximum of three ‘stars’.

See certification

Il rating di legalità è un indicatore sintetico del rispetto di elevati standard di legalità da parte delle imprese che ne abbiano fatto richiesta.
Tale riconoscimento prende la veste di un punteggio compreso tra un minimo di una e un massimo di tre “stellette”.

Visualizza la certificazione

Campania Digital Innovation Hub is a node in the national network of Confindustria Hubs, an innovation infrastructure network aimed at coordinating 4.0 transition processes.

See certification

Suitability to practice as a Ship Broker obtained on 22 March 2016 by Francesco De Stefano.

See certification


The company underwent an analysis evaluation by an external body that assessed the company’s sensitivity and awareness within 3 factors:
– E which stands for Environment;
– S which stands for Social (workers)
– G which stands for Governance (company management).

The S3 average puts us in an awareness situation.

See certification

ISO 9001 defines the minimum requirements that an organization’s Quality Management System must demonstrate that it meets to ensure the level of product and service quality it claims to possess with itself and the marketplace.

See certification

UNI ISO 45001 “Occupational health and safety management systems-Requirements and guidance for use” defines minimum standards of good practice for the protection of workers worldwide.

See certification

The Company has adopted, as of 11/03/2024, the following :
“We inform you that the company International Transport Solution Srl, has adopted an ‘Organisation, Management and Control Model’ (hereinafter referred to as ‘Model’) suitable for preventing the offences provided for by Legislative Decree 231/2001. This Model includes a Code of Ethics that meets the need to prevent the commission of particular types of offences and sets out ethical principles and rules of conduct.
In any case, if the Supplier/Customer, in the performance of its activities for and with the company, adopts behaviour that is not in line with the general principles of the Code of Ethics, International Transport Solution Srl is entitled to take appropriate measures to the point of precluding any other opportunities for collaboration.
The company has set up a Supervisory Body with the task of supervising the operation of and compliance with the Model and to which any conduct inconsistent with the provisions of the Model and the Code of Ethics should be reported, addressing the relevant correspondence directly to the following e-mail address

See certification

The company benefited from the TSCD – Technology Audit and Concept Development Service and was handed the Digital Transformation project.
Thanks to the Regional Pole for Evolved Digital Innovation, the DIH (Campania Digital Hub) as the incubator and promoter of the initiative and the Industrial Union Naples, the company will be able to use the funds made available to optimize business processes in the areas of Artificial Intelligence AI, blockchain, High Performance Computing – HPC, Ciber Security, CS.
This is the comment of administrator Dr. Francesco De Stefano:
“I thank the framework for the assessment conducted. I found very qualified insights, we are in step with the times, with the changes that go in the direction of innovation and digitalization. For us a very important step to finalize what interests us most,“ said Francesco De Stefano, Administrator I.T.S. Srl.”

See certification

The slogan is

GLO-CAL Company

combining the two terms GLOBAL & LOCAL, our corporate philosophy

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